Tuesday 22 March 2016

Getting back to business.

 Blogging for the "fifties"  generation should be mandatory. This is something that doesn't come naturally to anyone over 60. I'm not saying that I'm over 60, but let's just say  i'm looking at the back end of 59.
 I'm sure I'm not the only one who has trouble with this blogging thing, but I'm going to try to muddle through. And I'm not gonna make any apologies for my lousy blogging skills.

 I always thought that I had pretty good diction, but when I dictate to the microphone I get some really whacked out words coming out. Trust me they can change the whole meaning   of things. So I would like to apologize in advance for any unauthorized off-colour words, misspellings or general gobbledygook that may occur.  Also, I have two other blogs floating around in the cosmos that I can no longer edit, or apparently see. "I" can see them but apparently blogger cannot and I cannot fix it.   This is going to be another one of those learning curves. I hate those learning curves,  at least while they're occurring.  I'm always grateful that I learned something afterwords, but up until then it's a battle.
 So here's my disclaimer in advance, and I'll learn to have fun and maybe have some sort of blog be born out of this frustration. I'm  posting this now in the hopes that it will be saved for all posterity!

1 comment:

  1. I see the curlers still fit! On another note keep writing, it definitely suits you. I will stayed glued for future blogs.
