Wednesday 9 November 2016

"SLEEPING BEAUTY" maybe I'm not "Sleeping Beauty", but I think I must have been under some kind of spell for the last few months.  How else can I explain the fact that it's the middle of November and a few months have been fast forwarded from My life. 

I always hate it when people give a run down of the  they can't seem to get it together and do a consistent blog. I only have one answer for that. I'm unreliable in this department. End of story. 

I've come to realize that there is a short window in time when all is right with the world. In my age bracket its when the kids have finally found their niche in life, the grandkids are old enough that they are not pooping their pants anymore, and your friends and family are all healthy. Unfortunately, we only recognize that time after it has passed. This is the time when we must pull up our panties, suck it up and soldier on. Life and getting older is not for the squimish or faint of heart. 

So, what have I been doing to stay sane?  Funny you should ask.  The answer is simple ......ART. 
I'm sure it 's the reason that I haven't run madly into the streets swinging a machete, and yelling gibberish (believe me, I've considered it).
When our backs are up against the wall, we all have something that we turn to to get us by. 

Mine happens to be art.  And I'm grateful for that.
Grateful that I'm fortunate to be able to direct my homicidal tendencies to a more positive outcome.  
 So here's a pictorial summary of some of my art/ mental health projects.          
              Graphite 24"x30 "


                  "Sing me a Song"

"Itty bitty Books" handmade 1"X 1" 

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